1) Thanks to everyone for coming 2) Jim reads Letter to Cora 3) Physical Blessing of Elements 4) Amir & Leah take Oath of Godparents 5) Nancy recites poem from Revival of Magick
* * * * * * * * * * Letter to Cora * * * * * * * * * * Dearest Cora Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. We welcome you to our family and community. We admire your courage for taking on the flesh of incarnation and adding your efforts to the task of securing Liberty We pledge our support to your growth, and our respect for your individuality We offer our friendship and love, and seek yours in return We know that life will test you with many questions and doubts about the things your loved ones believe. We promise to explain ourselves with patience and diligence—never doubting your intelligence, never speaking down to you. We promise to be ever truthful with you We offer to share our love of God with you freely. To us—your friends, family, and parents—the love of God is our root motivation, the source of our joy, the arbiter of our behavior. How did we learn to love God? By looking into your eyes, by watching a sunrise, a sunset, swimming in the ocean, walking on the beach, enjoying conversation with worthy friends. We promise to share that sense of wonder with you as we can. And to help you appreciate and revel in your own expanding power—as you learn to walk, swim, read, ride a bike, drive a car, make a friend, earn money from your own work, fall in love There is so much beauty in life. We long to share our sense of joy with you. And when sorrows come, we will be there for you—and know you will be there for us. Among your friends and family today, we call forth God’s blessings on you and your parents, and ask that you be kept in safety and health, in happiness and in strength, and that you grow to become a woman of whom you will be proud Love is the law, love under will.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Blessing of the Elements * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fire: white candle "May your Will be focused and your Intention bright"
Water: touch crown and cerebellum area "May your Heart know Love and your Soul cherish Truth"
Air: incense "May your Mind be keen and your Thoughts clear"
Earth: salt, place a grain on tongue "May you respect Reality and keep your Body healthy"
Spirit: olive oil (with 1 drop of Abramelin Oil) on forehead "May you ever aspire to the Holy Spirit" "
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Oath of Godparents * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amir and Leah: Cora’s parents have tasked you with the honor and duty of being her godparents. The role of godparents varies considerably in different families so we would like to clarify exactly what Daniel and Julia mean by this. In the event of their deaths, they have parents and close friends who would take Cora to live with them—one of the traditional roles of godparents. So what do we ask of you? Under the best of circumstances, Daniel and Julia will be around for a very long time. Your role would then be that of those special adult friends whom all kids need. Loved ones outside the family, in whom kids can confide; adults from whom they can receive parental guidance without the strings of parental control; caring friends to whom she can entrust the most intimate details of her life. A big brother and sister who are Really Big! In the worst case, were her parents not here to guide Cora in the spiritual life, we assign that task to you. Cora’s extended family is filled with God-fearing, loving grandparents and close friends who can protect and care for her and help her learn right from wrong. But Daniel and Julia are Thelemites. And they have chosen you to assure themselves that no matter what happens to them, Cora will be guided by a trusted brother and sister of our spiritual community. It will be your job to teach her the Law of Liberty, to help her grow into her own power as a human being and a true lover of God. Are you prepared to take on this sacred task?
* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * Reading from “On the Education of Children” Section XI (page 130) (published in The Revival of Magick and Other Essays by Aleister Crowley) * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * Every child is absolute, Dare not bias it or bind! Give the seed fair play to shoot! At maturity its mind Shall perfect its proper fruit, Self-determined, self-designed!
Durst thou twist that tenderness To thy whims or theories? Who adjured thee to assess Marvels hidden from thine eyes? Meddler, muddler! Is thy guess Guaranteed most wondrous wise?
Let it meet and measure things, Match itself against them, span Safely the abyss — Earth sings: “If you know and will, you can!”